Another use for your smartphone! Check your alcohol level through a miniature (25 x 12 x 12 millimeters) d8be7e7e41b9a89d6fe96122364fattachment on your smartphone using an app. Using a paper strip that can measure quantitatively alcohol level  and store it into your smartphone App. The test sensitivity is good enough to determine is a person can drive within the law. Watch this may soon come to a police force near you!

Purdue researchers came up with this! Reported in the Journal Applied Optics.

IMG_3993Doc Handal personally uses Alivecor’s  attachment on her iPhone for monitoring heart rhythm. One ‘lead’ of your ECG can be recorded for durations of  30 seconds to five minutes.  Then you can share via email, pdf or may $12. to have a cardiologist interpret (read) the ECG tracing. DocHandal had written ECG books so ‘No’ she does not send them for a reading!

Almost all ‘smart attachments’ are made for Android and iOS devices.