Taking Medication Using Medical Sense


Otherwise it will not help you, so please consider:

  • Always unless specifically stated take pills with 8 oz of water
  • Read carefully if should be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal.
  • Always aim to take medication at same time of each day.
  • Read storage information, typically the storage environment should be between 20° and 25°C (68° to 77°F), but it can vary between 15° and 30°C (59° and 86°F). There is a good reason manufacturers will not guarantee medications effectiveness  outside this range.
  • Realize mail order medications can sit in a mailbox and in a non-air-conditioned delivery truck resulting in possibly temperature deviations. Who wants to take medications that are adulterated? 
  • Not all pills start to work immediately some require hours, days and even weeks to build up/have the intended effect.



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