Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 10.58.48 AMGet the info you need so you and your family can deal with a zombie ‘apocalypse’. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has embraced pop TV culture using the popular images and stories of zombies to educate on preparedness for hurricanes, pandemics, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks.

Go to the CDC website for this , you will find info in many formats including a blog, posters, site for educators with a kit, even a ‘novella’ entertaining and graphic with a twist in the plot! Rhetoric includes instructions on how to act when coming into site of someone with ‘symptoms’. Recommendations for all the family on plan and supplies needed including cash!

Do not miss the social media page links and  e cards! So make a plan, and be prepared and share it with your children and grandchildren.

So make a plan, and be prepared and share it with your children and grandchildren.