The National Center for Health Statistics just released new data some good some bad- that more than ever Americans are obese (31.4%) and more Americans are exercising to federal activity standards- 54.8%. You do recall that obesity is defined medically as a BMI greater than 30. Not sure of your BMI check –  this BMI calculator.

This obesity stat only reflects the first 3 months of 2017, up almost a full percent from 2016! Data show there was no difference in men by race whereas for women -white were least obese (29.4%) and African- American had highest (48.9%). Always read any reports, as how the data was collected gives insight. This study was based on ‘self-reporting’ in survey form.

Heads Up!

>There is a push to make obesity a disease not a cosmetic problem. This at the first ever World Consensus Meeting for Bariatric Metabolic Surgery Standardization taking place in India.

>Nuts are in a good diet but for overweight and obese people pecans are especially good for improving serum insulin. Insulin made by the pancreas is needed to breakdown sugar.