MH900390552A recent FDA study -1 in 4 Americans have purchased prescription medicines online. At this writing there are approximately 35,000 – 50,000 online drug-seller websites.

Recently, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report, Internet Pharmacies: Federal Agencies and States Face Challenges Combating Rogue Sites, Particularly Those Abroad detailing the large and grave problem of illegal, online pharmacies. You need to know it concluded that 97% of all online drug sellers operate illegally.  In 2012 FDA sent warning letters to one internet company ‘’.

FYI: It is illegal to in the US to get prescription meds without having had a recent medical evaluation – that is one needs a valid prescription. There are many good health reasons this is so:

– you may have been taking medication in the past but your body and it reaction to the medication can change with time,

– do you need a stronger dosage,

– are you having complications

– no or not sufficient improvement with the medication

All too common many of the medications purchased online are counterfeits or misbranded drugs.

HONESTLY – Do you want to put a chemical that you purchased from an illegitimate sources into your body?