A Fond Farewell

Doc Handal has always felt it her mission to share her medical wisdom and knowledge through media.  This June she will be retiring, relinquishing her medical licensure, and will no longer be taking to public media to empower you to seek the best possible medical care. Hopefully my posts have helped you to be your own advocate for your health and well-being and that of others. May you continue to seek accurate, credible, science-based medical advice.

Doc Handal, M.D.

A long-standing believer in consumer education; she knows it does make a difference. Her thesis for lay education is that “we physicians need to come down to the consumer’s knowledge level to bring them up towards ours”.
Gripping Medical News

Gripping Medical News

I want to communicate some recent gripping medical news, specifically what's up with sugar and new SARS-CoV-2 variants. SUGAR I wish Biden would alter the results of the sugar lobbyists and change the new 2020-2025 USDA dietary guidelines -- released under the Trump...

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