It is no longer a joke that medical professionals abbreviate everything, so SOB is not what you think! It means ‘short of breath’ and AD does not refer to a period in time but to Alzheimer’s Disease.

woman-441415_1280FYI- June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

If you are able to read this, I want you to consider the AD risk factors as we now understand them.

I am going to start with those we cannot change – advancing age, family history, and genetics. (to date there are 2 identified genes: one that puts you at risk – predisposes you, other genes that identify that you are determined to develop AD. Less than 5% of people have the ‘deterministic gene’.)

Now to what you can affect; many believe that lifestyle and wellness choices can impact chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Head trauma and diseases that effect blood flow to brain cause dementia.

Vascular dementia impacts AD; risk factors for vascular disease – including diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol – may also be risk factors for Alzheimer’s and stroke-related dementia.

I want to revisit ‘advancing ages’. Do not think you ‘always ate, smoked and drank as you wished, so why change?’ We know that the effects these habits have on an older body are exponentially worse. So keep your weight down, avoid tobacco and excess alcohol, stay socially connected, and exercise both your mind and body.

No surprise: taking care of your body with diet and exercise protects you from so many medical conditions. Want to read more visit this Alzheimer’s website.