Huffing, Sniffing & Dusting

Alcohol lowers inhibitions and gives teenager’s courage and confidence that they may not have otherwise, often getting teens into trouble that they may have avoided if they had been sober. When using any product that allow for vapor inhalation expect rapid uptake with serious side effects. Examples include alcohol through a  “Vaportini”, computer cleaning duster, nail polish remover and butane. Well known is cocaine, glue and gasoline is worldwide. Often termed ‘huffing’, ‘sniffing’ (or glue sniffing), ‘dusting’ must be watched for in teens. Remember teens weigh less and will have quicker and more serious health side effects.

Social effects, cause teens to use inhalants or alcohol on a regular basis in order to cope with stressful situations. Once suspected or recognized the coping and emotional skills needed to protect against using drug ‘abuse’ as an easy coping solution. It everyone’s job to help!

Drunk on Alcohol Vapor

Listen Up – V_webpic_003The new way to consume alcohol. If you want to get the effects of alcohol faster or avoid the tell tail sign of consuming alcohol (breath odor), use a  “Vaportini”! A receptacle that allows heat from a candle (140º) to vaporize your alcohol drink so that the you can inhale and get alcohol into blood stream faster and more efficiently. More for less – since drinking alcohol results in only about 15% being absorbed into the blood.

A unique internet purchase –  “Vaportini” recommends only 1 oz. alcohol to be taken using this device.

Alcohol addiction and poisoning is very possible given its effects are much faster than drinking and less expensive.

Do not dismiss the potential for lung side effects. Alcohol is known for ‘denaturing’ tissue one of the causes of oral cancer.

Just wanted to give you all a ‘heads-up’ on new and possibly dangerous gimmicks.