Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 9.16.06 AMTexting can now help save lives! Sweden did a citywide study (published June 11, 2015 in New England Journal of Medicine) with volunteers (6,000 mobile users) responding via text for needed CPR (less 1/3 mile -500 meters away). Trained individuals made a difference in survival rate but not statistically significant due to the  size of the study. It was noted by the same researchers (in another study) that ‘odds of survival to 30 days were 2.5-fold better’ with any CPR was preformed before paramedic arrived.

When a resident dials 112 (the equivalent of 911 in the US), a text message is sent to all CPR volunteers  within less 1/3 mile of the person that is needing emergency care.

The Swedish EMS system is very organized and cell phones are already tracking movements – why not a use to help versus target ads or surveil.

There is already two Apps – ‘GoodSAM Responder’ & ‘GoodSAM Alerter’  for people to register to respond to cardiac arrests that empowers trained laypersons. Don’t miss out, you might need CPR someday!

Cynics out there note: no financial compensation and no major adverse events occurred